Get Out of the Employee Mindset

Posted June 29, 2014 by MakingMoneyWithMark

Aloha Biz Friend,

Your path to online success & financial freedom starts here. It’s completely
true that your greatest success will come from doing something you completely
fear or you didn’t know what the result would be.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out now what this is all about !

People with the “Employee Mindset” are afraid to take a single step forward,
until they see a clearly laid out path in front of them. They need to know ALL
the answers first. Entrepreneurs and the Wealthy jump off cliffs and build the
plane on the way down. They get comfortable with things being imperfect. They
don’t have to know the next step before they move forward. They go full force
forward without having to know all the answers first. It’s completely true that
your greatest successes will come from something that you feared doing, or you
didn’t know what the result would be. There was no clear outcome. You have to
learn to detach yourself from the results and fears you have of taking the right
actions moving forward. It’s like walking up a flight of steps to success,
except the each step up is in complete darkness. It doesn’t appear until you
take the next step forward before you even see that it’s there. It doesn’t
appear until the feeling of falling is in the pit of your stomach. The unknown.
That’s where the success is. Trust the system and just do it. The mind can be a
treacherous thing at times, so don’t let fears and the unknown hold back your
success! Are you willing to take action despite the fears you may have? Can you
view mistakes not as failures but instead as necessary stepping stones to

Take Action!   CLICK HERE NOW    I did !     Aloha Mark